Sorting Unix 'ls' command output by filesize

Updated: 6th December 2022
Tags: ubuntu bash
ls -Slh

-S will sort files by size
-l long listing
-h will make the output human-readable
-r will reverse the output

How to create bash alias permanently ubuntu

Updated: 1th November 2021
Tags: ubuntu bash alias

Edit file ~/.bash_aliases

nano ~/.bash_aliases

For example I make alias a. So when I press a it will produce php artisan tinker Here file ~/.bash_aliases

alias a='php artisan tinker'

Load aliases immediately

source ~/.bash_aliases

Bash show process list

Updated: 15th April 2021
Tags: ubuntu bash

Show process list sorted by memory usage

ps aux --sort=-%mem | awk 'NR<=800{print $0}'

Show process list with full start date

ps -eo pid,lstart,cmd